Gandolfini’s Passing Awakens Heart Health Concerns

Another sad but relevant reminder that everyone needs to carry your aspirin. #heartattack

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (wggb) — Gandolfini’s sudden passing has pushed heart health back into the news, leaving people wondering what signs they should look out for. But heart attacks don’t always present with the classic signs we all know.

treatment-for-heart-attack-01Squeezing pain over the left chest, perspiration, radiating pain or tingling down the left arm, shortness of breath, these are all classic signs of a heart attack. But they aren’t the only signs.

“Not all heart attacks present classically,” said Dr. Aaron Kugelmass, Chief of Cardiology at Baystate Medical Center. “It could be something as vague as a sense of weakness. It could also be someone passing out, and unfortunately for some patients the first symptom is an unstable heart rhythm and they will in fact pass out.”

According to Dr. Kugelmass, whether you have a family history or not, the best time to start protecting your heart is in childhood.

“I think it’s generally accepted that we need to pay attention in childhood. Childhood is when we learn our habits, childhood is when we can become predisposed to obesity,” explained Dr. Kugelmass.


While those with a genetic predisposition are at higher risk for heart disease, that isn’t the only risk factor. Even those of us without a family history of heart disease need to be mindful of our health.

“Their risk factors would in fact be tobacco consumption, cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, obesity, inactivity,” Dr. Kugelmass said.

He also says that patients should see a doctor if they are suddenly unable to preform tasks and exercises that they normally would or if they have vague discomfort in their chest or shoulder, if they get winded, or if they cannot get a deep enough breath. All of these can be symptoms of an obstructed artery.

Dr. Kugelmass adds that it’s never too late to reduce your risk for a heart attack. He recommends consulting with your physician who can help you determine your risk level based on statistical information.

Original article live here

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