Welcome to the Carry Your Aspirin Blog

Hi World,
We look forward to providing current information on health and happiness, in particular on how we can reduce the risk of heart disease and increase the chances of survival of a heart attack.
Stay Tune for more to come!
Your Heart Health Team

One Response to Welcome to the Carry Your Aspirin Blog

  • Keri McKinney says:

    I did a toastmasters speech two weeks ago, my call to action from the audience was to make sure they had 325 milligrams of uncoated aspirin, at this weeks meeting I asked who had seen my speech, and if they did, did they go out and purchase the aspirin. Out of ten, 2 said yes. Some other comments were, where do you get the aspirin from? What do you carry it in?
    This group will be one of many who would benefit from a “CYA” system.

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